



Liderar un departamento comercial no es hacerla de "jefe"

Ser un buen comunicador es parte fundamental de un buen líder. Una de las características del un buen comunicador es decir lo que hay que decir (sin mentiras, con claridad). Exprésate claramente pero que el mensaje se transmita de forma positiva. De lo contrario, provocarás el efecto contrario a tu objetivo.

2.- FELICITA SIEMPRE EN PÚBLICO Y EN PRIVADO a los que se lo merezcan y por este orden. Sé justo. Sabemos que siempre habrá quienes besen el suelo por donde pisas pero estos solo viven de ti; no te ayudarán a alcanzar tus objetivos.

3.- RECONOCE EL ESFUERZO REALIZADO Y LAS BUENAS INTENCIONES pero premia los resultados. Liderar es reconocer pero sin dejar de ser justo. Se cae en la tentación  de la bondad con aquel que se “mata” a trabajar pero que no consigue resultados.  Si es posible ayúdale pero no caigas en la tentación, nunca, de premiar sin resultados.

Liderar significa eficiencia.  Olvídate de las improvisaciones. No dan resultados.

Hazlo en privado, de forma constructiva. La crítica negativa solamente produce actos de defensa y deteriora el orgullo de la persona. Díselo en privado, en tu oficina y ayúdale a reconducir la situación.

Hazlo de forma elegante y motivadora. Correcto en las formas y justo en el fondo.

Liderar significa tener confianza en uno mismo. Intenta no aparentar que lo sabes todo (porque además, se nota). La credibilidad solamente se pierde cuando dices algo que ignoras.

Ante todo eres un ser humano y como tal careces de perfección. Mantén alto tu sentido del humor. Tu “gente” lo agradecerá y te respetará más.

9.- TEN PRESENTE QUE SI POR SER JEFE QUIERES TENER LA RAZON… quizás sigas siéndolo pero dejarás de tenerla.

Si algo no sabes, escucha a los demás.
Si no estás seguro… pregunta.
Si te equivocas… admítelo y rectifica
Y una vez hayas escuchado, preguntado y rectificado y tengas toda la información no esperes más:decide tú sigue y haz que los demás sigan tu camino con confianza...

(gracias Creative Commons)


Gracias a Manuel Gross

  1. Ve a lo seguro. Escucha tu voz interior. “¿Porqué tengo que arriesgarme?”
  2. Conoce tus limitaciones. No temas encasillarte a ti mismo. “No soy creativo.”
  3. Recuérdate a ti mismo que sólo es un trabajo. “No me pagan para tener ideas.”
  4. Demuestra que eres el más listo de la habitación. Haz que escepticismo sea tu segundo nombre. “He aquí porqué esa idea no va a funcionar.”
  5. Sé el tipo duro. Pide ver los datos. “No hay evidencia de que vaya a funcionar.”
  6. Respeta la historia. Da siempre al pasado el beneficio de la duda. “Si la idea es tan buena, ¿Porqué no se la ocurrido a nadie antes?”
  7. Para la locura antes de que empiece. Aplasta ideas en un estado temprano con tu inteligencia para los negocios. “¿Cómo vas a resolver el problema de …?”
  8. Cuando tú vas, yo vuelvo. Usa la experiencia como arma. “No has estado por aquí el suficiente tiempo como para entender cómo funcionan las cosas.”
  9. Mantén tus ojos cerrados. Tu mente también. “El mundo no está cambiando. Es sólo lo que los medios quieren que pensemos.”
  10. Asume que no existen los problemas. “Ha sido un año duro pero podemos culpar a la economía.”
  11. Infravalora a tus clientes. “No se van a ir a ninguna parte.” “No están preparados para esto.”
  12. Sé un mentor. Da buenos consejos a la gente que trabaja para ti.“Mantén la cabeza baja y haz tu trabajo.”
  13. Sospecha de los “creativos” de tu organización. “Esta gente no entiende de negocios.”
  14. Cuando todo lo demás falle, actúa como un adulto. “De verdad que no tengo tiempo para esto.”


Questionnaire for a executive coaching

Tick  if your answer is yes.

To a large degree, junior, middle, senior management and executive coaching encompasses elements of  relationship, career, life, performance and leadership coaching.

1 Do you want to master personal and or company/organizational choice and problem solving 

2 I want faster realization of personal and or company/organizational goals;

3 I need to identify my and or my companies/organizations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT), and analyse the Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Strengths (TOWS) and associated strategy & plan;

4 Do you want to make more effective use of resources (people, equipment, technology, etc)?

5 Do you need to bring about the development and introduction of positive, sustainable corporate  values?

6 We need to ensure our behavioral patterns are aligned to personal and business goals, and drive  them forward;

7 I need to focus on making the right strategic moves,

8 I need well developed communication methods and styles, ensuring clear, effective and constant  communication;

9 Do you need an improved ability to set and achieve appropriate, measurable business goals?

10 I need an increased ability to think strategically and choose the most suitable course of action;

11 Do you need and want to accelerate the development of managers and leaders?

12 On an ongoing basis I need to overcome work challenges and find lasting solutions;

13 I need to ensure behavioural and performance related matters are dealt with appropriately, professionally, and timely;

14 I need improved managerial assertiveness and effectiveness;

15 Do you need to improve work environments, where line management and employees know what is  expected of one another?€  

16 I want to bring about a learning organisation which encompasses mutual feedback, resulting in a  feedback culture;

17 I want to use and or increase the use of praise and recognition resulting in increased motivation;

18 Do you want to bring about a culture and situation of ongoing performance improvement and increased productivity;

19 Two of the greatest tools that leaders have in leading others, are their personality and behaviour.  As a leader, do you want to significantly enhance these, thereby improving and maximising your  impact on others and your company/organization?

20 A key contribution leaders make is how well they influence others around them, are able to 
communicate ideas, walk the talk in terms of demonstrating the behaviours they talk about, and 
finally, inspire their team in striving to achieve common goals. Do you want to unlock and enhance  these inherent abilities within you?

21 Attracting, retaining and developing staff in today’s ever-changing world is important to ensuring sustainability. Executive and leadership coaching encourages executives and leaders to lead by example; discover improved ways to support their teams in engaging in ongoing professional personal skill development courses/programme's, as well as being highly committed and motivated  (and imparting the commitment and motivation onto their staff). Do you need and want to adopt, embrace and maximize your effectiveness in these areas (professional skills development, lead by  example, etc)?

22 Coaching can assist individuals to learn new or improve skill sets and abilities; improve their 
effectiveness (E.g. communication, communicating vision, team building, or delegation); enhance competencies and characteristics required for their current or future job, and formalising coaching  in leadership roles where leaders become a manager, including a role as coach. Do you need and  want to adopt, embrace and maximize your effectiveness in these areas?

23 Coaching can result in employees and management alike experiencing greater enjoyment and  pleasure at work, improved time management, higher productivity, improved client relationships, greater efficiency with colleagues and clients alike, higher incomes, increased motivation, improved  life balance and greater fulfilment. Do you have a need for one or a combination of these outcomes?

25 Coaching provides structure, guides assessment, provides focus on the issues and results, and directing energies, encourages the full utilization of strengths, sets forth ways to identify weaknesses and transform them into strengths, applies feedback and review of the key issues, and assures reinforcement of the appropriate behaviours and positive results. Do you need any of these either as an individual or within your company/organisation?

26 I need to increase my and or my teams ability to clearly define and exceed business and personal objectives through sustained peak performance;

27 I need to heighten my and or my teams clarity and flexibility in strategic thinking;

28 Does your team need greater team motivation, improved performance?

29 I want to achieve personal mastery;

30 Do you want to transform from your current state to your chosen future desired state?

31 I want to be a focused, value add, high performance and highly effective individual/ manager/leader;

32 Do you want to improve and maximize your performance & leadership skills, abilities and effectiveness?

33 Do you want your staff members, management and executive team to transform their lives, undergo  personal reinvention and lead balanced, purposeful, fulfilled lives (inclusive of yourself)?

34 Do you want to clearly define and achieved company/organization agenda;

35 Do you want the realization and utilization of (you as an individual, including your staff, and 
management and executive team)

o Limitless potential, life purpose and passion in life;

o Dreams, aspirations, wants and needs;

o Individual and company/organizational legacy;

o Personal and company/organization vision;

o Personal and company/organization ethics;

o Creative mind power (What You See Is What You Get ‚);

o Defined future self and or future company/organization;

o Master of their own/company/organizations destiny (collective thought);

o Personal and company/organization long term goals;

o Enhanced problem solving capabilities; and

o Self Management.

36 I want to create personal and or company/organisation opportunities and bring about the creation of  a defined future;

37 Do you want to change behaviours within the system to bring about positive outcomes?

38 I want to achieve a whole person (mind, Body, Soul, Spirit) state;

39 I need to use effective interpersonal communication skills.

Please send your answers by  gazpeiti@consultant.com